Tag Archives: PostgreSQL

Cancel postgres process

Show list of active processes to see pid there


Cancel the process by pid



Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Today I installed one more PostgreSql on one more Ubuntu. That’s why I decided to memorize my steps here for quick reference.

Install postgresql and related packages

Type in terminal:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

Setting password for postgres user

To set password for postgres user, open psql command prompt:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Type command
\password postgres
type password twice when prompted and please don’t forget it 🙂
press ctrl-D to exit

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Glassfish 4 and Postgresql 9.3 driver

Today I configured another development stend for our team. This time I added Postgresql 9.3 ODBC driver support to our Glassfish 4 server. What should I do to repeat this actions:

Put Postgresql driver to Glassfish domain lib folder

This link contains the latest PostgreSql driver: http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html  I got the postgresql-9.3-1100.jdbc41 one. 
Copy downloaded driver to GLASSFISH_HOME/domains/YOUR_DOMAIN/lib, for example to /opt/glassfish4/domains/domain1/lib
Restart Glassfish

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