Tag Archives: HBase

HBase import-export utility

Export table to file system

For single machine deployment target directory can be on local file system (use file: instead of hdfs:)


Import into table from file system



Work with HBase from Spark shell

My software versions

Spark 1.6.1, HBase 1.2.1, run on EMR 4.7.1

Spark and HBase installation:

Configure Spark

Edit spark-defaults.conf and ensure spark.driver.extraClassPath and spark.executor.extraClassPath contain path to hbase libraries.  For me it is /usr/lib/hbase/lib/*

My extra class pathes: Continue reading

HBase shell on AWS EMR cluster quickstart

How to start HBase client in AWS EMR and query external HBase DB

  1. Create EMR cluster with HBase application enabled manually or using command like this:

2. Establish ssh connection to the cluster

3.To work with external database, set zookeeper quorum in /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml

3. Start HBase shell

4. In shell do queries like that: