Is not able to type asterisk * in Eclipse, but it works pretty nice in other applications. To resolve:
Solution 1
- open terminal and go current workspace folder
Go to .metadata/.plugins folder and locate workbench.xml file with bad lines in it:
grep -R "SHIFT+8" *
The result will look like:
org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi: <bindings xmi:id="_aLHQwCaAEeOBOe4lOFe2qQ" keySequence="SHIFT+8 W" command="_eZ-6uoZrEeKW-cnY0IziBw">
org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi: <bindings xmi:id="_aLH30CaAEeOBOe4lOFe2qQ" keySequence="SHIFT+8 I" command="_eZucD4ZrEeKW-cnY0IziBw"> - Open workbench.xmi with your favorite text editor and remove these two lines
Solution 2
In Eclipse go to Window – Preferences – Editors – Keys. Search commands with Shift+8 keys, select them, press Unbind Command button.